Welcome to Empress Choice!

Welcome to Empress Choice! The name Empress choice was derived from a heartfelt longing to create a magnificent cake which tastes superb, as well as looking splendid and presentable that an Empress' will desire to have.

We provide a variety of cakes and cookies, made only by the best quality ingredients, designed to meet your special requests.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Cherry Blackforest

Freshly made, design as desired, blackforest is an all time favourite for everyone

Red Cherry Blackforest for special occasion

This blackforest is for those dark cherry lovers

Blackforest decorated with dark chocolate

1 comment:

  1. ini nie blackforest yg no.3 yg teryummmiyyy :)
    coklatnya boooooww MUANTABZ!!!!!!
    udah gtu kue nya lembutttttt bangetsss srasa makan salju deh ....
    buat qamu2 yg pengen nyobain, bisa call langsung dgn bu lia
    so check this 1 out !!!
