Welcome to Empress Choice!

Welcome to Empress Choice! The name Empress choice was derived from a heartfelt longing to create a magnificent cake which tastes superb, as well as looking splendid and presentable that an Empress' will desire to have.

We provide a variety of cakes and cookies, made only by the best quality ingredients, designed to meet your special requests.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Castle Cake

A story behind the castle cake, this cake was ordered by my best friend. Sadly it never actually made it to her house, due to the heavy and sudden flooding in Jakarta. The cake was 90% done ( the windows aren't there yet and also the princess) and as you can probably notice the icing was not as firm as it should be because the humidity was high, despite my efforts in putting this cake in a fully air conditioned room. The real cake (Lapis Surabaya) was only the bottom tier. 

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